In the Spirit of Palm beach
Established as a luxury vacation destination in southern Florida for the rich and famous in the ear1y 1900s, Palm Beach is synonymous with old-world glamour and new-world sophistication. This breathtakingly beautiful resort community-though elite and exclusive-can be truly hospitable to tourists, especially In hotels, restaurants, and shops. At The Breakers, Palm Beach's oldest existing and most esteemed hotel, the staff Is unfailingly friendly. Go Into any restaurant and you'll feel welcome; stroll down almost any street and people will give you a neighborly "hello." Pamela Flori takes you on a tour through this tiny, multi-layered Island to find the fun in (and out of) the sun.
In this exquisite volume, longtime visitor Pamela Fiori, along with others who visit and live there, share with readers the heritage of this tropical paradise. From its world-renowned hotels, dreamy estates, and fancy cars to Its endless shopping opportunities and Impeccable golf courses, In the Spirit of Palm Beach presents a full spectrum of everything the Island n offer. An insider's guide featuring Fiori's selection of hotels, restaurants, bars, and shops completes the book.
Hardback |Â 160 pages
Languange : English
Publisher : ASSOULINE